About sverrefehn.info
This website presents the built works of the great Norwegian architect Sverre Fehn. We found it frustrating that there was no comprehensive presentation of Fehns works available online, and decided to build this compilation. We have so far concentrated on commissioning and collecting photos of his built works. The site is still under development.
The website is developed by the Norwegian non-profit Foreningen kunnskap og opplevelse. We appreciate your feedback and support. We are constantly in need of funds to continue development, please submit your donation to Vipps-number: #716510.
We might also be interested in photos of projects or details that are missing on the site, if you have photographic material.
Thank you to all you good people who have contributed to our association and our projects. The rising popularity and use of sverrefehn.info indicates that many people value this compilation, and would be happy to see it expanded further.
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Støtt vårt arbeid med å dokumentere Sverre Fehn sine verk!
Vipps 20 kroner til #716510.